
Professional and Personal Development for a Globalised and Ever-Changing World

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Championing Change Through Diversity & Inclusion

Developing a change mindset by Building Male Allyship

(A 5-Day Womenomics Course)

Day 1: The Untapped Potential: Why Diversity Matters

1. Explore the full spectrum of diversity in the workplace, encompassing factors like gender, race, ethnicity, age, ability, and more.

2. Dive deep into research and data highlighting the tangible benefits of D&I initiatives, including increased profitability, enhanced innovation, improved employee engagement, and stronger decision-making.

3. Analyse the concept of unconscious bias and its impact on talent acquisition, retention, and career advancement. Learn strategies to mitigate its influence.

4. Differentiate between diversity and inclusion (creating an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered).

Day 2: Thriving in a Globalised World by Building Emotional and Cultural Intelligence in the Workplace

1. Develop your self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, and relationship management skills to foster effective communication and collaboration across diverse teams.

2. Explore techniques for understanding and appreciating different cultural norms, values, and communication styles.

3. Learn how to adapt your leadership style to leverage the strengths of diverse teams and foster a sense of belonging.

4. Practice active listening techniques and cultivate empathy to build trust and understanding across cultural divides.

Day 3: The Art of Inclusive Communication: Understanding Personality and Leadership Types

1. Evaluate different personality types (e.g., Myers-Briggs) and their preferred communication styles. Learn how to tailor your approach for optimal understanding.

2. Compare and contrast various leadership styles and analyse their effectiveness in fostering inclusion within diverse teams.

3. Categorise different communication strategies suitable for various audiences and situations to ensure everyone feels heard and valued.

4. Analyse how communication styles can either promote or hinder inclusivity. Learn strategies to bridge communication gaps and create a truly inclusive dialogue.

Day 4: Applying SWOT and SMART Models for Workplace Improvement

1. Develop a comprehensive SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to identify your organisation’s current state regarding gender inclusion.

2. Craft a SMART Action Plan (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) action plan based on your SWOT analysis results, outlining actionable steps to address identified areas for improvement.

3. Construct a communication strategy to effectively promote your action plan and secure buy-in from all stakeholders across the organisation.

4. Formulate key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress towards achieving your diversity and inclusion goals, ensuring accountability and continuous improvement.

Day 5: Implementing Change Models for Lasting Impact

1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different change management models, such as Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model or Lewin’s Change Management Model, to select the most effective approach for implementing D&I initiatives in your organisation.

2. Judge the effectiveness of various change management strategies in overcoming resistance to change, including clear communication, employee engagement, and addressing concerns.

3. Critique existing policies and practices within your organisation to identify areas for improvement and foster a culture of continuous learning and inclusivity.

4. A Long-Term Commitment: Recommend strategies for building a culture of continuous improvement and ensuring lasting impact regarding gender inclusion within your organisation.

Empower Your Workforce, Unleash Innovation: A Comprehensive Approach to Diversity and Inclusion

In today’s competitive landscape, fostering a diverse and inclusive (D&I) workplace is no longer a nicety – it’s a critical driver of success. This comprehensive 5-day Womenomics Course equips leaders and employees in male-dominated industries with the strategic frameworks and practical skills necessary to cultivate a welcoming environment where women can thrive.

Building Male Allyship in the Workplace (A 5-Day Womenomics Course): This companion program focuses on empowering male allies to advocate for women’s advancement within the organisation.

All courses are CPD-accredited

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop a robust understanding of the compelling business case for D&I.
  • Foster a more welcoming and inclusive environment for women in male-dominated workplaces.
  • Cultivate essential skills to unlock the full potential of a diverse workforce.
  • Drive success and innovation through a culture of inclusion.
  • Cultivate emotional and cultural intelligence to foster effective communication and collaboration across diverse teams.
  • Master the art of inclusive communication, tailoring your approach to different personalities and leadership styles.
  • Leverage the power of SWOT and SMART models for workplace improvement, crafting targeted action plans to advance gender inclusion.
  • Implement effective change management strategies to overcome resistance and ensure lasting impact.

Who Should Attend:

This program is designed to benefit a wide range of professionals, including:

  • Executives and Senior Leaders: Gain the strategic knowledge and leadership skills necessary to champion D&I initiatives from the top down.
  • Managers and Supervisors: Equip yourselves with the tools to foster inclusive team dynamics and empower diverse talent within your departments.
  • Human Resources Personnel: Develop a comprehensive understanding of D&I best practices to attract, retain, and advance top female talent.
  • Employees Seeking to Become Advocates for Inclusion: Build your capacity to champion equal opportunities and contribute to a more inclusive workplace culture.

Program Fee:

Investment: $5,250 (all-inclusive)

This fee unlocks a complete learning experience:

  • 5-Day Masterclass: Deep dive into the specialist subject. 
  • Learning & Extras: Course materials, a smart device, and branded program items.
  • Daily Meals & Refreshments: Fuel your learning journey.
  • Personalised Support (Optional): Benefit from a 30-minute one-on-one session
  • City Tour: Explore & bond with a guided tour. (included).
  • Certificate on Completion: Presented with a CPD Accredited certificate

Benefits to Your Organisation:

  • Attract and retain top female talent, enhancing your competitive edge in the global marketplace.
  • Boost innovation and creativity by fostering diverse perspectives and collaborative problem-solving.
  • Improve employee engagement and satisfaction, leading to a more productive and motivated workforce.
  • Enhance decision-making by leveraging the full potential of your diverse talent pool.
  • Build a stronger employer brand, attracting and retaining top talent by demonstrating your commitment to inclusion.

Mastering the Art of Communication for Leaders provides a comprehensive learning experience that goes beyond theory. Through interactive workshops, practical exercises, and personalised feedback, leaders will gain the confidence and skills necessary to communicate with impact and become true leaders who inspire and empower others.

What some of our clients say...

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