
Professional and Personal Development for a Globalised and Ever-Changing World

Public Speaking  Emotional Intelligence  Change Management  Team Building  Customer Service  Executive Leadership Training

Communication and Leadership Consulting for Success

Keye Oduneye is a one-of-a-kind Facilitator specialising in Public Speaking, Emotional Intelligence, Executive Coaching, Change and transformation Management, Customer Service, and Performance Management Strategy. With over 20 years of extensive multi-sector experience,

Keye has a remarkable record of working across SMEs and FTSE 100 companies in the United Kingdom, The Middle East, Europe, and Africa. His diverse background includes working with global technology giant Google, as well as contributing to organisations such as Arriva Group, Burberry, Network Rail, local councils, and various public and private entities in the United Kingdom.

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Trained Individuals


Mastering the Art of Modern Management

In today's dynamic and interconnected business world, effective leadership goes beyond technical skills. This intensive 5-day program equips managers with the critical capabilities of emotional intelligence (EQ) and cultural awareness, allowing them to build thriving work environments and navigate the complexities of a workforce.

Mastering the Art of Communication for Modern Leaders

In today's dynamic business environment, strong communication is a cornerstone of effective leadership. This intensive 5-day program equips leaders with the essential skills and strategies necessary to conquer communication challenges and empower themselves as confident communicators.

Championing Change Through Diversity & Inclusion

In today's competitive landscape, fostering a diverse and inclusive (D&I) workplace is no longer a nicety – it's a critical driver of success. This comprehensive 5-day Womenomics Course equips leaders and employees in male-dominated industries with the strategic frameworks and practical skills
jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $('#form-field-ref_form_course_name').change(function(){ alert('i am working'); // Hide all dropdowns initially $('[id^=form-field-ref_form_course_]').hide(); // Get the selected option var selectedOption = $(this).val(); // Show the corresponding dropdown based on the selected option if(selectedOption === "Mastering the Art of Modern Management") { $('#form-field-ref_form_course_1').show(); $('#form-field-ref_form_course_2').hide(); $('#form-field-ref_form_course_3').hide(); } else if(selectedOption === "Mastering the Art of Communication for Modern Leader") { $('#form-field-ref_form_course_1').hide(); $('#form-field-ref_form_course_2').show(); $('#form-field-ref_form_course_3').hide(); } else if(selectedOption === "Championing Change Through Diversity & Inclusion") { $('#form-field-ref_form_course_1').hide(); $('#form-field-ref_form_course_2').hide(); $('#form-field-ref_form_course_3').show(); } else { $('[id^=form-field-ref_form_course_]').hide(); } }); });